A Supportive Community for Stammerers
Who are we and what do we do?
BHSSG stands for Brighton & Hove Stammering Support Group. We formed in July 2011 after a few of us had completed a speech and language therapy course as stammerers. Our vision was to create a safe, supportive and confidential space whereby we could meet regularly to share our experiences of stammering, and how it affects us individually in different areas of our lives.
We meet on the first Wednesday of each month from 7-9pm at St Richards Community Centre in Hangleton.
We spend this time giving each other the time and space to express ourselves, and offer our support in a non-judgemental and empathic way.
As stammerers, we know all too well the emotional turmoil we can face on a regular basis, and the internal struggles our dysfluency can create. Our aim is to provide relational company where we feel heard and understood.
We are a voluntary support group and as a member you do not have to pay any fees, just come with an open mind and be confident that you will not be asked to participate in anyway which makes you feel uncomfortable. You are invited to be as involved as you wish, and there is no pressure for anyone to speak outside of their comfort zone.
We have been fortunate in receiving a small amount of local funding each year which helps cover the costs of the meeting venue and administrative fees such as advertising and website costs. We have even been able to invite special guests some months, including mindfulness psychologists and speech and language therapists who have delivered sessions which many have found very beneficial.
To set appropriate boundaries, we have a set of group guidelines we all agree to follow. If you wish to join our group, please familiarise yourself with the below:
This group contract supersedes any existing BHSSG group contract/group
guidelines and will be used in effect from March 2024.
All members will verbally agree to and adhere to the contract which will be reviewed annually. The contract exists to protect members and ensure boundaries. BHSSG is a voluntary support group and is not affiliated to any other group, nor exists for financial gain. This is a working contract and can be amended and added to with agreement of all members.
We meet at St Richards Community Centre on the first Wednesday of the month from 7 – 9 pm.
Group Guidelines
Please read these before coming to your first meeting
Confidentiality – what is discussed in the group must remain confidential and not be discussed with people outside of the group.
We will each hold an awareness of our different experiences, needs and views.
Many issues may arise, however we will all take responsibility for ourselves and ensure the space is held gently and everyone feels supported regardless of their opinions. Our space is safe, non-judgmental and accepting.
We are a diverse group and we will all respect each other’s needs.
We will take responsibility for ourselves in terms of sharing what we feel comfortable sharing and will not be asked to share or contribute in any way in which we are not comfortable.
We are free to share as little or as much as we choose.
We will not talk about members when they are not present as they are not able to speak for themselves.
We all identity differently with our stammer and fluency and we will be mindful of the language we use around stammering and not comment on other people’s level of fluency.
We will try to let Naomi know each month of our individual attendance so we know who to expect on the night.
If a member no longer wishes to be part of the group they will let Naomi know so she can remove them from the email list

If you’re looking to meet with other stammerers, you’ve come to the right place! Send us a message and we’ll get back to you soon.
St Richards Church and Community Centre
Egmont Road
East Sussex